Volunteers’ Week spotlight: Michelle’s story


Volunteers’ week (1 – 7 June) is an annual celebration of the fantastic contribution millions of volunteers make across the UK. Volunteering isn’t just about offering your skills, knowledge and expertise to an organisation like ours – it’s about what you can get back too. Throughout the week we’ll be sharing inspirational stories from people who have offered their time to change other people’s lives, and have in turn managed to change their own. Here’s Michelle’s story:

“My first experience of the Recovery College was attending a craft taster session three years ago. I was undergoing treatment at Baghill House for borderline personality disorder, depression and anxiety and they recommended the sessions to me. Back then I was terrified of everything and everybody, I couldn’t even answer the front door on my own. I was escorted to the venue by my husband and my mother and then had a lady from Baghill House take me into the class and stay with me.

“I couldn’t speak to anyone or make eye contact or anything, I just sat at the end of the table shaking and wishing the ground would open up and swallow me whole.

“Fast forward three years and I now run the said craft course with the lovely Trish and I live for the days it’s on. I also help co-facilitate the knitting and crocheting, toy making and book folding sessions. I am more confident and enjoy helping people to learn things.

“I still frequently have days where I can’t leave the house or be around people but I’m slowly improving thanks to my family and the lovely people at the Recovery College and I know if anyone can help me and others in the position I’ve been in then it’s the Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College.”

Find out how to become a volunteer for our Trust here.

Volunteers’ Week spotlight: Michelle’s story

time to read: 1 min