Barnsley Children’s Speech and Language Therapy is part of
South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
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Barnsley Children’s Speech and Language Therapy

Toolkit Resources

Colour coding information sheet

Information on the colour coding. A therapy approach to support children’s language. It tells you how to use our resource packs.

Colour coding pack 1

The first pack in our colour coding resource series. Supporting children to use verbs.

Colour coding pack 2

The second pack in our series. Introduces ‘subject’ or who words. Supporting children to join who + what doing words in a sentence (subject + verb)

Colour coding pack 3

The third pack in our series. Introduces ‘object’ or what words. Supporting children to join what doing + what words in a sentence (verb + object)

Colour coding pack 4

The fourth pack in our series. Supporting children to join all 3 parts of a sentence. Joins who + what doing + what words in a sentence (subject + verb + object)

Colour Coding pack 5

The final pack in our series. Supporting children to make longer sentences. Use under the guidance of your therapist

Communication passport

A template to make a communication passport. Helpful for children and young people who have problems communicating. Let’s people know important information about them

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