Safeguarding adults policy and procedures (West Yorkshire Multi-Agency)

Document category: Trust wide policy

Document date: June 21, 2021

This policy and procedures have been agreed and endorsed by four out of the five West Yorkshire safeguarding adults boards with the Bradford board being in the final stages of their decision making process. They mark a big step forward in joint working to protect
adults within our communities. Based on the guidance contained within No Secrets (DH 2000) and the standards set out in “Safeguarding Adults” (ADASS 2005) it also includes best practice from our existing procedures across West Yorkshire, and from joint
procedures in other areas.

The main statutory agencies – local councils, the police and NHS organisations – need to work together to promote safer communities, to prevent harm and abuse, to promote independence, well-being, dignity and choice and to deal effectively with suspected or
actual cases of abuse. We also need to ensure that we are linking with other initiatives that safeguard our communities such as, for example, children‟s safeguarding, domestic abuse, and disability hate crime. By coming together to develop joint safeguarding adult policies and procedures this will:

  • improve consistency in safeguarding practice across West Yorkshire
  • benefit joint working with partners, particularly those that work across the whole area such as police, probation, fire and ambulance services
  • provide a stepping-stone to national consistency
  • help us prepare for other national developments, including for example, statutory safeguarding boards
  • serve as a building block for more joint initiatives in the future

The responsibility for co-ordinating safeguarding adults arrangements lies with councils with adult social care responsibilities. However, the operation of the procedures is a collaborative responsibility and all agencies are accountable. The work potentially involves a broad range of organisations, service areas and workers, all of whom need to be aware of their roles and responsibilities on both an internal and multiagency basis. It is vital for the successful safeguarding of adults that the procedures in this document are understood and applied by all organisations. Effective communication and training will be required to embed the new ways of working.

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