
Visits by family and friends are very important.

Staff on each ward or unit will let individuals, their friends and relatives know the arrangements for visiting, including times and the special areas you can sit during visits.

If it is not felt a visit would be in a person’s best interests, staff do have the right to refuse admission.

Children (this is classed as anyone under the age of 18 years) are welcome to visit but if you are planning to bring or invite children to visit, please let staff know in advance as there may be special family areas that can be used and paperwork that needs to be completed.

On some occasions, it may be in the best interest of the child that visits are delayed, but staff will be happy to discuss arrangements with you and address any concerns you might have.

We are a smoke-free Trust. This means that no one, including staff, visitors and people in our inpatient units can smoke in any of our hospital buildings or Trust grounds.

To see maps of our main inpatient sites please visit our contact section.

You can also view contact phone numbers for our main sites. Our switchboard staff will be happy to put you through to any of our other sites or services.

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