Insight team (early intervention in psychosis) for Calderdale

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About the service

The Calderdale early intervention in psychosis team supports the early identification of psychosis in people aged 14 to 65.

The team offers support for those experiencing a first episode psychosis in ages 14 to 65 and those who may be at risk of psychosis in the ages of 14 to 35.

The team provides psychosocial interventions (treating and preventing a condition using educational and behavioural approaches) to improve the long-term outcomes for people experiencing psychosis. The team support people’s treatment and recovery outside of the mainstream mental health system.

The service aims to:

  • Reduce the stigma associated with psychosis and improve professional and general public awareness of the symptoms of early psychosis
  • Promoting the need and benefits of an early assessment
  • Reduce the period of time people remain undiagnosed and untreated
  • Develop meaningful engagement, provide evidence-based interventions, and promote recovery during the early stages of psychosis
  • Increase the stability of the lives of the people accessing the service
  • Provide a person-centred service that integrates the child, adolescent and adult mental health services and works in partnership with primary care services, family services and youth services
  • Work in partnership with other services to ensure that the young people accessing the service have quick and easy pathways into appropriate services
  • Provide training, advice, and consultation with other service providers who may be working with this group of service users to help them respond in more efficient ways
  • Provide structure and activities to develop life and employment skills

The team can offer earlier and later weekday appointments by request.

Why would someone choose the service?

  • We offer a recovery-focused approach to support service users and those close to them to deal with and manage the potentially traumatic experience of psychosis. We support all those affected to maintain hope for the future
  • Our practice is guided by national guidance which means that we strive to offer talking therapies as well as any medical interventions. This might involve meeting with the individual or meeting their family to support them and help them to understand their experiences and develop ways to manage their difficulties. Identifying early signs of relapse and developing useful and effective management strategies that will enable independence and support the service user in achieving their life goals
  • We have a strong focus on helping people build their confidence to maintain and build on social, educational and employment opportunities, and do this through social, creative and sporting groups. This can include actively supporting people to attend employment or education, or supporting them to arrange volunteer placements
  • We have a clear commitment to look after a person’s physical health as well as their mental health and work closely with our GP colleagues to achieve this

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