Archive for the “Pay and payroll” category

If my symptoms last more than 7 days is this recorded as sick? Do I self-cert for 7 days after the 7/14 days? Will I need a sick note if I exceed 7 days?

If your symptoms are still Covid-19 related and this has been confirmed with a positive PCR test it will remain as special leave and you will receive an average of your last 3 months salary for the period. This will include any enhancements/bank shifts and …

I’m on a senior grade and don’t normally get paid overtime. Is there any provision for this during this time?

For a 3 month period starting from 10 April 2020 managers can approve additional hours for staff on bands 8a and above as part of the Trust’s Covid 19 response. The payment will be at standard time for any additional hours over and above 37.5 …

I have placed my children in to school as a key worker but due to the school hours and no after school care I can’t do all my hours. Will I still get paid my full pay?

Please speak to your manager in the first instance to see if you can work the hours in a different way. Depending on the number of hours you are unable to work you may want to take annual leave for the remainder of the hours …

I am a clinical member of staff and planned to retire in the next few weeks/months. Do I have to take a two week break before I can return to work during this period?

At this difficult time, the Trust will appreciate staff returning to or staying in work even though they may have planned to retire in the coming weeks. There are a couple of options available Option 1: Defer your retirement date. Please speak to pensions/payroll immediately …

Will I receive pay protection for any enhanced unsocial hours pay if I have no alternative to work from home as agreed with my line manager?

This only applies if the member of staff is officially isolated due to symptoms/household symptoms for a defined period or falls in to the category of being pregnant over 28 weeks gestation or pregnant with an underling heath and removed from patient facing roles. If …

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