Newton Lodge bring positivi-tree to ward festive celebrations


A handmade pom-pom ‘positivi-tree’ is helping staff and service users at Newton Lodge in Wakefield to reflect on a successful year this festive period.A collage showing people crafting a pom-pom Christmas tree

The occupational therapy team at Newton Lodge in Wakefield have supported service users through what is for many a time of celebration, but for others can cause stress and contemplation, with mindful activities and crafts.

As part of a ‘creative Christmas day’, service users and staff took part in an activity where they crafted handmade pom-poms. Everyone who took part was surprised by how relaxing the activity was, and how it enabled them to continue chatting and socialising while creating.

To display everyone’s work in a meaningful way, the occupational therapy team created a ‘positivi-tree’, which features some of Newton Lodge’s ‘One voice’ service user involvement group’s positive achievements from throughout 2023 amongst their pom-poms.

The group listens to feedback from service users in order to make improvements on the wards. The tree highlights how there’s now an established chess group, access to the gym has improved, and the ward food menu is adapting to meet feedback, amongst many other things.

Through a number of different groups, service users have also had the opportunity to create personalised self-care advent calendars, festive ‘elf’ care kits and gifts and cards for friends and family. They’ve also come together to support wellbeing and celebrate through singing, socialising, exercising and crafting.

Lead occupational therapist Kim Somerford said: “We always strive to create a positive environment for our service users and listen to their feedback and needs. It’s helpful for us to take time to reflect and celebrate our achievements, and look at the steps forward we have made. Life is busy, and we often forget to recognise the hard work that each individual puts in to ensure that Newton Lodge is the best place it can be for everyone. Our positivi-tree is a reminder of all that we have achieved and inspires us to continue our good work into 2024.”


Newton Lodge bring positivi-tree to ward festive celebrations

time to read: 1 min