We are here for you and our services are changing to keep everyone safe

Following the national outbreak of coronavirus (Covid-19) and advice and guidance issued by the government, Public Health England (PHE) and the World Health Organisation (WHO), we have had to make some changes to how we deliver services and how we work as a Trust in order to contain the spread and impact of the virus.

What are we doing?

The following precautions have been put in place in order to protect all of us in response to the outbreak. All our services will continue to be delivered. To ensure they remain in place:

  • We are asking people to stay at home in line with government guidelines
  • If you have been asked to attend our service by a health care professional, you must only attend if you or the person you are with does not have the symptoms of coronavirus – see information below
  • If you are using or waiting to use one of our services we may  change how your  care  is delivered and if we do make a change we will notify you by a text, letter or phone call
  • If we do make a change we will offer to deliver the service by telephone or digital technology
  • The digital technology we will use for consultations during the Covid-19 pandemic is called AirMid.
  • For people who can’t use or access technology there will be a number for you to call to get advice
  • Just to let you know we have cancelled any non-essential events, group workshops and meetings for the immediate future
  • All our staff are still working, but those who can are now working from home
  • Key staff that need to be in services will be observing social distancing rules as set out by the government and Public Health England

Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to support our people, including making the best use of technology and looking at creative ways to deliver services. We want to continue to provide as many services as possible during this time.

Useful information:

If you need to contact our services please use our service directory.

If you need to get in touch with us directly use the contact us pages.

For the latest information from the government visit: www.gov.uk/coronavirus.

The online NHS111 coronavirus service can be found here: 111.nhs.uk/covid-19  or if you are unable to use the internet you can telephone 111.

The latest information on the outbreak of coronavirus, including information about the virus and its symptoms, can be found here: www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/.

The latest information on coronavirus and covid-19 research: https://www.bepartofresearch.nihr.ac.uk/

Public Health England communication resources
Public Health England have produced resources to support their campaigns and messages, including easy read documents and information available in different languages. You can find the resources here.

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