Health integration team

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About the service

The health integration team aims to facilitate the integration of overseas arrivals into mainstream health services and address inequalities in health and wellbeing. The team has responsibility for newly arrived asylum seekers residing in Barnsley, asylum seekers under the age of 18 without family, refugees, migrant workers and immigrants within the local community.

The team provides:

  • Guidance on accessing health services appropriately
  • Advice on interpreting services
  • Welfare visits to gypsy/traveller roadside encampments
  • Weekly new entrants screening with direct referral pathways
  • Promotional education events on a local, regional and national level
  • Health checks for GP registrations
  • Daily drop in sessions for advice and information
  • Extensive partnership working and community engagement in appropriate groups
  • In service mental health nursing support service

Why would someone choose the service?

  • As a team, we have extensive knowledge of how to appropriately use interpreting services for our service users to break the communication barriers between staff and the individual
  • We are the main source for other services to contact if they require interpreting services for their service users and offer advice on a daily basis
  • Our person satisfaction survey outcomes always receive 98%
  • Our specialist nurses have extensive knowledge in different areas to ensure the right care and input is being initiated for the service user
  • Our team offers advice and information on different health services to integrate vulnerable adults and children into the community

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