Archive for the “Social distancing” category

Should we wear PPE to do routine observation checks on a ward where we may pass people in the corridor (may not be 2 metres apart) or if a service user may unexpectedly approach us?

No, there is no need to wear PPE unless you are unable to maintain a 2 metre distance. Staff should not remain within 2 metres of another person for any longer than necessary without PPE. Staff should withdraw and wash their hands ASAP, and the …

If a service user was to require restraint, staff would not have adequate time to put on PPE. Should it be worn at all times as a contingency?

Please follow the infection control guidance for physical restraint of service users suspected / confirmed of having Covid-19 on the Trust’s coronavirus intranet pages. Contingency planning should be based on assessment of the individual and environmental risks at the start of a shift and as …

I have been informed that one of my staff is failing to abide by the Government’s social distancing advice outside of work and their colleagues are upset. What should I do?

Firstly you should speak to the staff members to understand their concerns. There may be a legitimate answer so listen to what they have to say. You should also speak to the individual and ask them if they have been following the social distancing rules …

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