Archive for the “PPE” category

Feedback from clinicians is that in children’s services, staff wearing full PPE may be problematic and distressing. What can be done about this?

Services must undertake an individual risk assessment if there is any deviation from Trust policy. The decision to deviate must be documented with clear rationale explaining why wearing full PPE is clinically detrimental to the service user, e.g. causing unnecessary distress, breakdown of therapeutic relationship. …

Should we wear PPE to do routine observation checks on a ward where we may pass people in the corridor (may not be 2 metres apart) or if a service user may unexpectedly approach us?

No, there is no need to wear PPE unless you are unable to maintain a 2 metre distance. Staff should not remain within 2 metres of another person for any longer than necessary without PPE. Staff should withdraw and wash their hands ASAP, and the …

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