Archive for the “Inactive” category

Stargazing group

The stargazing group is for inpatients of Fieldhead, enabling them to go into the hospital grounds in an evening and look in detail at the night sky. This acts as a change from the ward environment and an educational session, perhaps igniting a passion which …

Hydrotherapy and swimming

The service user may be offered a range of therapeutic interventions, including hydrotherapy and/or swimming. As well as improving physical health and promoting wellbeing, these sessions give service users the opportunity to engage in non-ward, community based activity which some choose to continue following discharge …

Newton Lodge writers

This project worked with service users at Newton Lodge on learning disability and mental health wards to develop writing skills. For 12 weeks the group worked on a number of activities, principally creative writing, exploring a number of different genres and styles. Group size varied …

Gardening at Chantry

The gardening project at the Chantry Unit at Fieldhead, Wakefield, used its funding to purchase equipment, seeds, plants, storage etc as part of CHAMP: the Chantry Activity and Media Project. The project aimed to develop a range of meaningful gardening, cooking and media activities on …

Bridge Theatre Group

Using forum and image theatre techniques, people who experience mental distress aim to create and perform dramas to be used as a tool for debate and change, especially within mental health services. The project aims to develop a meaningful productive dialogue between providers and service …

The Walking Project

This project provided the opportunity for service users to become more active, physically fit and reflect how this can improve their mental wellbeing by offering 12 weekly walking/Nordic walking sessions culminating in a residential walking challenge which included education around safety and map reading. Supporting service …

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