Archive for the “PPE” category

Can a member of infection prevention and control visit each individual inpatient unit to establish when and where staff should be wearing full PPE?

Yes, the infection prevention and control team have already started doing this. Ward managers can also contact the infection prevention and control team to arrange a specific visit on 01226 644343.

What should I do if while at work I see someone not wearing their mask correctly, ignoring social distancing or ignoring the number of people allowed in a room?

If you feel able to challenge, you should do so. If you do not feel able to challenge, speak to your manager, HR, staff side or a freedom to speak up guardian to help you.

If a service user was to require restraint, staff would not have adequate time to put on PPE. Should it be worn at all times as a contingency?

Please follow the infection control guidance for physical restraint of service users suspected / confirmed of having Covid-19 on the Trust’s coronavirus intranet pages. Contingency planning should be based on assessment of the individual and environmental risks at the start of a shift and as …

I am a member of therapy staff who covers several wards within a unit. Do I need to change my PPE every time I enter a different ward, even if not having had physical intervention with a service user?

Yes, PPE should be discarded safely in between different ward areas.

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