Archive for the “PPE” category

Do I need to wear PPE for escorted leave? There is additional guidance for people with learning disabilities and autism – staff may need to hold a service user’s hand in this instance.

Escorted leave is being closely monitored and in most cases will only be accessed if social distancing can be maintained. However, in exceptional circumstances where staff are required to hold a service user’s hand as part of their management and care plan (for instance in …

With people from BAME backgrounds being more likely to develop severe coronavirus symptoms, will BAME staff be given FFP3 masks in the community?

Surgical masks protect just as much as the FFP3 mask in terms of droplet production that you encounter through a conversation. The only reason an FFP3 mask is needed is for aerosol generating procedures to protect against the finer mist.

When in the community, do we change full PPE between residents, but leave our mask on? Or do we just use the same kit for all patients?

Use of the mask will be sessional in this instance. However, the apron and gloves should be changed between service users to reduce the risk of cross infection of all healthcare associated infections. A session refers to a period of time where the staff member …

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